Monday, October 19, 2009

Microsoft word?

i wrote down "was proven" , and the green error of underline on the microsoft word program appears. It says that it is in "passive voice (consider rivising)"

Over some years, Aristotle's Motion theory of the elements tendency to fall in a linear motion on the earth WAS PROVEN false by an Italian mathematician, Tartaglia

How can i correct that phrase and make the underline error disappear.????? thank you

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In English, we usually speak in an active, rather than passive voice.

John wrote a paper. (active)

The paper was written by john. (passive)

To fix your problem, you would need to write soemthing like this:

The Italian mathematician, Tartaglia, proved that Aristotle's Motion theory of the elements was wrong; elements on the earth did not, in fact, tend to fall in a linear motion.

But honestly, no one will care either way....

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Over some years, an Italian mathematician, Tartaglia, proved false Aristotle's Motion theory of the elements' tendency to fall in a linear motion on the earth.

Off the top of my head; I didn't try it in Word.

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