Thursday, October 22, 2009

Is Microsoft Office 2007 -the free trial one- good?

://Well I have a paper that is due tommorow%26I want to try typeing it useing Microsoft Word but the problem is that I don't have it in my coumputer%26 I wanted to see if I can download with a free trial , but I dont want to mess up my coumputer after the 60 day trial so what should I do? ;[

Is Microsoft Office 2007 -the free trial one- good?live update

You can download a free trial of MS Office 2007. It will not have all functions, but many. At the end of the trial period, either you buy, or it will not work.

You can consider Open Office, a freebie. I have read many good things about it, but if you every have to open it on another computer, you may have to convert it to Word or whatever software the other PC uses.

Here is a free, online converter:

download Open Office at:

Open Office tutorial at:

Is Microsoft Office 2007 -the free trial one- good?norten

Download Open Office: it's totally free and works almost exactly like MS Office.

Did I mention it's free?? :)

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