Monday, October 19, 2009

Microsoft Word 2007.Document wll not open?

Ok I sent someone something I wrote with Microsoft Word 2007, and when she trys to open it all differnt kind of symbols come up.Whats the problem how can I fix it?

Microsoft Word 2007.Document wll not open?suzuki

Save the document to Word 2003 format instead of 2007 then send it to her.

While saving, click on the filetype dropdown and select the 2003 option.

Microsoft Word 2007.Document wll not open?virus

Here's solution to your problem:

That is known problem to MS, and they allready responded to that mattter. In short, Office2007 creates some file types not recognized by Office 2003 or Office XP. Everyone who is NOT using Office 2007 but 2003 or XP should go to Microsoft's page named "Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 File Formats" ( ) and download and install "FileFormatConverters.exe" (27,5 MB).

NOTE: you'll have to download and install Service Pack 3 for Office2003 ( ) and all updates before applying this [FFC.exe].

Hope this helped!


You have the new version of Word, which uses .docx format, and unfortunately the older version of Word (which your friend has) can't read that format.

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