Monday, June 21, 2010

Will microsoft lose you as a customer because of its anti-piracy vista?

How much profits does microsoft make and how much expenses does it take to make this profit? Will it also lose customers because some current computer do not have specifications to run Vista. thanks for any comments.

Will microsoft lose you as a customer because of its anti-piracy vista?computers

Vista like other OS before it will be hacked

X360 has and that was supposed to be unhackalbe

DRM will be hacked, this I firmly believe. WGA has been hacked. No matter what they do some 13 year old wunderkind will reverse engineer all that code and find the loophole. Vista allready has major secirity flaws allready in beta testing that everyone knows about and few believe by deployment time will be fully fixed, so like XP you see a series of patches to address the security flaws. The other thing with Vista is not all DRM measure are going to be implemented at first, due to fear of consumer backlash id al lthe DRM measures are implemented with variuos media that will not play under DRM.

Will microsoft lose you as a customer because of its anti-piracy vista?hijack this

Not really, my pc is Vista ready. I really don't know anything about microsoft's profits.
They got guts after stealing.
No, there is always Micro sot product to sell you beside vista.
google search rocks !

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