Monday, June 21, 2010

How do I convert old windows microsoft publisher (pre 2000) .php files to open and use on a mac os x

I have files that I have transferred from an old Windows 2000

based pc to my Mac OS X 10.4.8. (basically just moved the files over with 'Move2Mac' and some files did not convert correctly).

I need to be able to open, edit and print the .php (microsoft

publisher) files on my Mac Os X system.

I believe the publisher version was 98, but could also have

been 2000 (a while ago, I don't remember exactly which


I have tried to use all the microsoft applications I have currently installed (Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac), but have had no success.

How can I do this?

Any help is GREATLY appreciated:-)

All the best,


How do I convert old windows microsoft publisher (pre 2000) .php files to open and use on a mac os x 10.4.?ducati

open that file again with the Windows OS first, then click File / Save As... on the bottom, choose a format you want to save as, pick one that is for Mac, then copy that file to Mac computer, try to open that file, see if it works

How do I convert old windows microsoft publisher (pre 2000) .php files to open and use on a mac os x 10.4.?hp

If it was an older version of Publisher, it probably wasn't compatible with Mac.

The newer versions of Publisher can help you with Macs.

Not all things can trasnfer, cause they are two different OS's.

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